"It's time to have a Muslims check-point line in America's airports and have Muslims be scrutinized. You better believe it, it's time," Gallagher said.What's next separate security for guys with beards? Vegetarians? Ass-hole talking heads? "Old fart" bloggers?
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To be honest - I wouldn't mind a check-point just for old, fat priests. It could speed things up.
That could be a pretty long line Mad Priest. And, that would also mean we'd have to allow you into the US and that would be really dangerous!
Yes. You're right, Clyde. Once the fat, old English priests hear about the frisking and full body searches they'll be queuing from Heathrow to JFK.
(Do you stil have a JFK or have they changed the name?)
Yes, we still have a JFK. Although I am afraid it will soon be changed to "W" airport if we are not careful.
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