An editor of the National Review has an appalling piece online, "
Hooray for Global Warming." At first glance it looks like parody, but he's serious.
Global warming is great. Granted, maybe it isn't really happening, and if it is there are strong reasons to doubt that humans have anything to do with it. But if the world is warming, I say "bravo." People in most parts of the globe should have no objection to a warmer, wetter climate. If the aliens were watching they'd conclude we were making our planet more habitable on purpose.
He never gets around to things like increased wildfires, hurricanes, and other weather extremes. Just think of all the additional real estate that would be habitable and all else is irrelevant.
So if we see global warming for the beneficial trend that it is rather than a looming threat to life and limb, none of the "solutions" being proposed by the alarmists are necessary. There is no challenge posed by a slow-rolling phenomenon like global warming that cannot be overcome; and when deserts start blooming, blizzards stop hitting, and you are enjoying the surfing at your beach house in upper Newfoundland, you won't care what caused global warming, you'll just thank goodness it happened.
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